Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Web Design Class II

A recommended book to read from Google's free book online

Web Class


1. Before jump into create a new page from Dreamweaver, better create new ___SITE______ first; and before create new site, better have __PLAN_______.

2. tag which contains information for searching engine is located within __HEAD______ tag; and your page contents should be within __BODY______ tag.

(1) …. (2) ….

Short cut for fast web page development.

3. From IE Browser click ___PAGE_____àview Source to see the source code, so you can learn/borrow code from other web site.

From IE Browser Click Fileà Save as from internet site to your local folder and open Dreamweaver.

4. What should you name your default first web page of your site ___INDEX____________.html

Other ways to do a simple web page

Online editing tool provided by the webhost. such as Drople, Bravenet...

Photoshop a image, then use slicing tool to cut and then FILEà save for web and device

Demo Page Design and Layout
Process for designing a web page: Plan, sketch, take photos, and put elements in image tool such as Photoshop or Illustrator, then finally use Dreamweaver to assemble a web page.
Copy Café Townsend folder inside: T drive
àwebclass_wu to your H drive, then do the tutorial:

1. Create Dreamweaver site

2. Layout with

3. Add contents:

Adding image by dragging it from the right File panel or Insert image

Adding Flash from Insert---media ---flash

4. Format the content with CSS style sheet (will talk about this next time)

Cascading Style Sheets Video

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