Saturday, April 14, 2012

Color matching/picking tool for design and website

Using the tool to help you pick the right colors matching.
This is not a new feature; Illustrator has it since CS3. It helps people that don't have a eye to decide what colors to choose in order to look good together. It was based on safe harmony color matching, give you suggestion color first and you tune it with color saturation to intensify or soft it. If you go for very bold contrast color, then you must hand pick by yourself.
Use color wheel from Adobe Illustrator menu window--> color guide
other site for colors matching

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Web Design Using Grid System

Web design is a constantly changing field. Now a day seems like people go back to hand coding for front end using grid system for layout with html, then add content, interactive, finally style the look and feel with CSS.
This is the new trend in web design using grid base as layout templet, it's clear and simple pleasing to eye. However, you still need to have your contents ready such like good photo and text.
Down load the kit from ( on the top left said Download)

And design sample using grid base

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Guiding Principal of Marketing Concept on Facebook

1."Build a strategy that is social by design":
"Social should be baked into everything you do"
2.Create an authentic brand Voice: Bring your personality of brand to life through an authentic and consistent voice.
3.Make it interactive