Wednesday, December 17, 2008


每當聖誕節前夕,孩子們除了等待禮物外,最期盼的就是下雪了。一早起床, 窗外停在路旁的車頂上, 門前草坪, 還有走道旁,都蓋上一層簿棉棉的白霜‧後山上乾黃的草,因有了水氣滋潤,開始顯露了些微的粉綠, 眺望路盡頭的最高聳立Mission Peak 似乎戴上了白色雪帽‧我們這裡的山頂下雪了!
週五的老人院畫圖課,上週應他們耍求,彈聖誕歌曲唱歌代替畫畫,不管我荒腔走板彈得多麼爛,這些可愛的老修女總是充滿愛心的鼓勵,而且還如孩子般興高采烈地唱得好自得‧這週在上課時間先大家一起聚餐,吃飽了,還有時間,再來揮灑個兩筆,時間一到,紙筆放下,就這樣各自被司机帶回家了‧ 自從高科技公司退來後,這是enjoy my life 而不是工作吧!


我是一隻侯烏, 當東北季風刮起, 滿林楓紅, 特別是在這深秋的北加州, 我就會有種莫名的衝動, 嚮往南國的暖陽。那種想飛的渴望, 在血液裡, 腦海中不斷的澎湃翻騰,於是連接了Thanksgiving Break 給學校預請了病假, 那種病就叫homesick-鄉愁。風起的時候,就飛了。
但翱翔後,常常會把心留在一個美麗的地方, 忘了帶回來‧ 於是登了則遺失啟示在那個叫台灣的地方‧
遺失啟示- I Left my Heart in Taiwan

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Trip in Thailand

Like a migration bird, when the seasonal wind from the north starts to blow,and maple leaves turn to brilliant crimson color, I feel something in my body restless. It's rooted in my blood, in my brain and in my heart too. It was the urge of flying south.

It's so beautiful here; at night, both sides of the driveway are lit with fire torches. There are even candles floating on lily pads on top of the ponds. The atmosphere is like Monet's tropical version of a painting. I was walking along the path in the tropical jungle inside the resort enjoying the quietness and tranquility of my surroundings: it seemed like a surreal, lonesome dream. It seems as if there is always a piece of my heart missing.... This morning I took my computer to the ocean side and wrote:It is early in the morning in Phuket Marriott Resort. I am sitting in a café facing the sea, listening the palm trees' rustling and the waves' roaring. While I am sitting, there are three birds claiming this table as their territory, squawking and screaming at me, investigating the contents of my cup, and tyring to find leftover bread crumbs on the table.From the corner of my eye, i spy a long legged mosquito walking briskly across the handrail. In retrospect of my life in the past, I stare at the ocean, and although it is not raining, my eyes beginning to fill with water.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

MS free software offers & Yahoo API link

Microsoft BizSpark program give new sartup companys the first three years free software licenses.

Yahoo's API for web developers

Monday, November 3, 2008

The most important facet in Web 2.0- blog

When you find you nitch, expressing in the blog, eventhough during economy down time, you will have poket money keep comming in.
How to make money with bog
The successful team blogs example
Individual blog

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Multimedia Features on The Web

Review and exercises:

  1. Practice your html coding: Create a page in Dreamweaver, add table, div, email links..., copy each element's html source code and paste into goole's page creator html editor(on the bottum right). Or look at your Dreamweaver's code view window after you design from layout view, and then hand type html code into html editor area.
  2. Create a Dreamweaver Site by selecting one of the design you like. For example, select design 3 folder as root and select images folder inside the root(design 3) as default image folder. Modify logo using Photoshop of Illustrator, add your own texts and multimedia features such as audio, flash, gif animation. ( remeber: copy gif and music folder, and flash swf files into your design 3 if you choose design 3 as your root) Then, find a free host to upload to.
  3. Create Photoshop new file:
  • file-->new, give a file name: photoweb, preset: web, size: 1152x864, then click OK.
  • Open other photo images, resize them, collage them, add image text and arrange layout on the page.
  • Flaten all the layers
  • Use slice tool to slice it and from file-->save for web and devices. So then you will have a photoweb.html file plus an image folder. Put them into a folder name it photoweb and create a site from there.


  • embed sound: put this inside your body code :
  • "<"embed src="" width="145" height="60" autoplay="false"">" "<"/embed">"
  • Javascript to write html code : look at source code
  • Use Flash:

Friday, May 16, 2008

Web 2.0--not a new technology, but a new outlook in business


Steps to buid a website:

  1. Planning a WebSite :Search domain name available
  2. Determining the Site Mission: Purpose of this site
  3. Determining the Audience
  4. Organizing Content--site map, menu bar and drop down menu widget.
  5. Determining Technologies for a Site: Search web host that can provide the technology/services.
  6. Creating a Mock-up: start to create the pages
  7. Appling Design Principles: keep the same look and feel through the site-style sheet.
  8. Developing Readable Content for the Web: text choice and content information source.
  9. Improving Readability: accessibility issues .
  10. Performing Usability Testing
  11. Increasing Search Engine Rankings

Demos and exercises:

  • Select one of the designs folder and create a new Dreamweaver site from it.
  • Modify design images and logo with photoshop.
  • Pull all the linked web sites such as picasa, youtube, blog, facebook... into your personal site-use old, but still useful technology: frame. Create new--> frame set.
  • Modify javascript or rolled-over images.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Modify Image with Photoshop-Collage Image Using Layer

Video Tutorial for Layer in Photoshop
select a product--> photoshop; select a topic-->using layer, making and refining selection.

Use online "can" site to practice your html coding. search in -->enter --page creator
login, select the page you created, and click the area that you want to edit, then click on the lower right coner --->html editor. Practice : links ; images; break
.... take a look the code from Dreamweaver.
UI case study

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Web class 5/8

  1. Before start to do any html or css page, check your files on your right side panel to see if they are in your root folder. If you see desk top or some other folder, but not your root folder that contains files for this site; then you need to recreate Dreamweaver site first.
  2. On ramp:Café Townsend site simulation.
  3. Review:table layout with colored background and rounded image corners. External style sheet will control over all page, but internal style sheet inside html page head can add extra rules.
  4. Create External style sheet: When in the start up page, select from create new >css.
  • When in a html page File> new, select from sample>css or copy from anywhere else
  • After you have a CSS file, open a html page to link to CSS file
  • Then you can add new rule or edit property.
  • syntax is: selector { property : value}
  • The rule selector are
  • 1. class : start with "." ex: .whateverNameMakeSense.
  • 2. Tag, which is html tag, so in order to know what you are selecting, you need to memerize some html code while you are designing. (just look at code view when you click an object)
    recognize xhtml and css code.
  • 3.Id selector, which usually only use for once in the same page for dynamic page which load data from data base server.

We will have more CSS tutorial practice today.

my computer> T :>webclass_wu>css>Copy 1,2,3,4,5, folder and classoutline>week4 to your H drive new folder. Follow paper tutorial 1,2,3,4,5

Publish Site tutorial : Read it first. We may have our web server latter.

Q: How do I control/resize the size of the pop up window so it won't cover my previous window totally?

A: Use javascript: