Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Converting FB Page to App and CSS Creator Online Tool

You don't need to learn coding to have an app. What you need to have are contents and images then you may convert your FB page to an App since there're already contents and photo/images there.  http://my.como.com/
If you want to create a graphic splash page image, then you better learn Illustrator which is vector based rather than Photoshop which is bitmap image. However Photoshop is still considered as one of the basic skill sets for front-end web designer other than Dreamweaver.

If you can't code CSS stylesheet, one of the way is down load from the site and modified it with Dreamweaver or use this  http://csscreator.com/tools/cssgenerate
using http://css3generator.com/ or
then copy the code to your CSS stylesheet page