Thursday, March 10, 2011

Animation Class in FAS Continuing Education

Flash Animation Thursday: 7:00-9:00pm Instructor: Yina Wu
Animated images are almost magical in their ability to capture our imagination as well as people’s attention on the internet. Whether you are adding magic to your own website or purely for self-entertainment, this fun and enjoyable class is a must for web designers and creative individuals. Through this course, students will demonstrate visual graphic skills and reveal their talents in animation.

Required: An e-mail account, USB Flash Drive to save your work

Online Resource Download 30days trial version of Flash: You need to sign up an account with Adobe first.

Keywords and Flash environments:

The Stage is where your graphics, videos, buttons appear during playback. Any object’s movement if not within the stage, it can’t be seen.

The Timeline is where you tell Flash when you want the graphics and other elements of your project to appear. Timeline is made of Frames and Keyframs; it presents the time, by default, 16 frames per second. You also use the Timeline to specify the layering order of graphics on the Stage. Graphics in higher layers appear on top of graphics in lower layers. If timeline bar is not shown, open it from Window---Timeline

A keyframe is a frame where some property of an object is explicitly changed, A keyframe has a small dot or circle within the frame. Black dot indicates that there’s an object on the stage, empty circle means there’s no object on the stage during that frame of time.

A regular frame indicates no change since last keyframe. Frames represent the time by tiny rectangular boxes. The Library panel is where Flash displays a list of the media elements in your Flash document. Usually located on the right panel. If it’s not there, open it from Window ----library

A symbol is a media asset that can be reused anywhere in your Flash document without the need to re-create it. Most animated objects need to convert into symbol first by right clicking on the object----convert to symbol

Demo: toolbars usage Practice: Using drawing tool to draw a charater or device.

Practice Tutorial:

2. Animate the circle step 1-9 draw an object and it with selection tool.

From 2.Modify -- convert the object to symbol(right click convert to symbol), select the layer and the appearing first frame;

3. put object symbol to the beginning place; select a fame on the timeline and where on the stage, insert--timeline--keyframe (F6)

4.and move the symbol object to the final place.
5.Click in between in the timeline and change in the tween box to Motion under the properties tab (or right mouse click, motion tween)

5.Hit enter to play and test.

Add motion guide by clicking the guide line button on the time tine bar, and on the first frame, drag the object center to the begging of the guide line; then on the last frame, drag the object to the end of guide line. Motion Tween Shape Tween Video demo overview: Basic Flash Tutorial cs5 animates objects differently, please watch this

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