Thursday, March 10, 2011

Animation Class in FAS Continuing Education

Flash Animation Thursday: 7:00-9:00pm Instructor: Yina Wu
Animated images are almost magical in their ability to capture our imagination as well as people’s attention on the internet. Whether you are adding magic to your own website or purely for self-entertainment, this fun and enjoyable class is a must for web designers and creative individuals. Through this course, students will demonstrate visual graphic skills and reveal their talents in animation.

Required: An e-mail account, USB Flash Drive to save your work

Online Resource Download 30days trial version of Flash: You need to sign up an account with Adobe first.

Keywords and Flash environments:

The Stage is where your graphics, videos, buttons appear during playback. Any object’s movement if not within the stage, it can’t be seen.

The Timeline is where you tell Flash when you want the graphics and other elements of your project to appear. Timeline is made of Frames and Keyframs; it presents the time, by default, 16 frames per second. You also use the Timeline to specify the layering order of graphics on the Stage. Graphics in higher layers appear on top of graphics in lower layers. If timeline bar is not shown, open it from Window---Timeline

A keyframe is a frame where some property of an object is explicitly changed, A keyframe has a small dot or circle within the frame. Black dot indicates that there’s an object on the stage, empty circle means there’s no object on the stage during that frame of time.

A regular frame indicates no change since last keyframe. Frames represent the time by tiny rectangular boxes. The Library panel is where Flash displays a list of the media elements in your Flash document. Usually located on the right panel. If it’s not there, open it from Window ----library

A symbol is a media asset that can be reused anywhere in your Flash document without the need to re-create it. Most animated objects need to convert into symbol first by right clicking on the object----convert to symbol

Demo: toolbars usage Practice: Using drawing tool to draw a charater or device.

Practice Tutorial:

2. Animate the circle step 1-9 draw an object and it with selection tool.

From 2.Modify -- convert the object to symbol(right click convert to symbol), select the layer and the appearing first frame;

3. put object symbol to the beginning place; select a fame on the timeline and where on the stage, insert--timeline--keyframe (F6)

4.and move the symbol object to the final place.
5.Click in between in the timeline and change in the tween box to Motion under the properties tab (or right mouse click, motion tween)

5.Hit enter to play and test.

Add motion guide by clicking the guide line button on the time tine bar, and on the first frame, drag the object center to the begging of the guide line; then on the last frame, drag the object to the end of guide line. Motion Tween Shape Tween Video demo overview: Basic Flash Tutorial cs5 animates objects differently, please watch this

Web Design Class-general links and outlines

This class is for those who are looking for more personal enrichment and willing to step outside of their comfort zones to try to become a web designer or online entrepreneur. Try to be front end developer, doing online business or just for life enrichment

Log on to FAS network computer: Use computer 1-4, 13-17,or 18-21 with username CE1-20

classOutline location: my computer->t drive (utilities on fashome)->webclass_wu


1: Intro to Dreamweaver-industry standard tool (2 class meets) and a website tool Bravenet combined with Dreamweave (2 classes)

Overview of the internet technology:

First class could be overwhelming; topic will be broke down to smaller chunk latter


1.Create first page in the website: index.html

2.Create local site and reference it

3.Insert images and hyperlinks--investigate insertion and property panel Find the text contents and images- from .text


Blog: web log, journal like recording what’s happening in life.

WordPress: a popular blog site, and blog software that can be installed in your own site.

Domain Name: The name for your web site and email (2nd part); DNS will point the domain name to the machine (web server’s IP address). It is easier than IP address to remember.

Social network: a site ( or on the internet or company’s network to post or exchange information, photo, video, etc. This is a very efficient and low cost on target audience to spread out the information as advertising.

Sub domain: a sub name site under a company’s domain, it can be comprehended as just a folder under someone’s name.

Wiki: A collaborative website whose content can be edited by anyone who has access to it.

Web Host Server: The computer that serves your pages to browser. It must have a static IP address and set it to public accessible through http protocol.

Root of website: Folder where you put your web page files index.html or default.html.

ISP is internet service provider who connects you to internet, ex Comcast, SBC, AOL….

FTP up load/down load: Using File Transfer Protocol to put file or get file, which is more reliable than using http protocol. DNS: the domain name server which point out which web server’s URL has that certain name’s site.

TCP/IP: Lower layer of protocol used in internet networking.

Router: Machine forward data packets to where it should go and also differ/ control internet traffic.

Directory: the path of the file located. Since we don’t have web server yet, when you are setting up your Dreamweaver site, use document as path, rather than site root for now.

Related info and setup for the class

Register a free web host and sub domain:

Set up a website folder on your local computer

After logging on, create a folder in your H personal drive (right click your mouse button,ànewàfolder, click inside of the text box and name it: yourname, company_web or local_sites) This will be the website root on your local machine. Remote site, on the web server, should mirror to this site’s structure. Download tutorial sample files to your local_sites folder, and extract them inside local_site.

Also check out the file “newsite” in the same folder. (ZIP, 2.1MB)

Play simulation to define a new site first. Defining a site is important, because most of the pages’ problem latter would be from this. when setting up a new site select advanced tab, give a site name, select the site folder (local_site), and select image folder inside your site folder. Click document rather than site root this time. Steps to build a website

  • Planning a Website :Search domain name available

  • Determining the Site Mission :purpose of this site

  • Determining the Audience

  • Organizing Content

  • Determining Technologies for a Site: Search web host that can provide the technology/services

  • Creating a Mock-up: start to create the pages

  • Appling Design Principles: keep the same look and feel through the site

  • Developing Readable Content for the Web : text choice

  • Improving Readability: accessibility issues

  • Performing Usability Testing

  • Increasing Search Engine Rankings

Resource on line Download 30 days Trial Dreamweaver

Download tutorial ore Tutorials: More learning about coding

Dreamweaver Web Design Introduction



-How they're linked together

HTML: hyper text mark up language html 5 now

Cascade style sheet

now is CCS3 some of the new features

CSS3 border-radius property

Media Queries:

Design in Photoshop-images in 3 formats .gif(head edged graphic), .mpg,(gradient tones photo) .png(layer transparent)

Create first page: index.html Create local site and reference it

Insert images and hyperlinks--investigate insertion and property panel

Find the text contents-

If you have something in mind that requires many technical functionalities, you may need to use ready made building blocks.


another web tool

Social media to advertise: